Incend Media

What You May Not Know About Social Media and WordPress

Social Media and WordPress

If your company’s website uses WordPress, and you have various social media accounts, you may think you have everything covered, but there is more to the relationship between WordPress and social media. Everyone understands WordPress is the way of the foreseeable future, thanks to its functionality. Social media marketing has become a prominent factor in inbound marketing. Like most businesses, you believe you have done enough to drive traffic to your site. But are you aware that multiple plugins are available for WordPress that allow you to manage your social media accounts? Let’s take a closer look at the relationship between WordPress and Social media.

Utilizing the Right Social Media Accounts

Having the right social media plugins comes from having the right social media accounts, to start. Be sure that your business understands its target demographic thoroughly. Find out the social media sites your target demographic frequent and those they eschew.  Once you have identified what your target demographic uses, choose the plugin for that platform. Be sure the social media platform fits your brand.  If your company is in the legal field and wants to show its expertise on a given subject, then microblogs such as Twitter may be best. If you are a florist, then you using picture driven platforms such as Instagram to show your flower arrangements would be ideal. The Icons for your social media accounts must be easily seen on your WordPress site so that customers will click on them. It also stands to reason; you will need to make sure you have engaging content on your social media accounts that are regularly shared.

Scheduling sites such as Buffer are an excellent way to manage your social media posts. Buffer is a social media management site that has been used by social media experts for years. It enables you to schedule posts on social media over various platforms. Buffer is particularly helpful if you are marketing to customers overseas. The Buffer plugin saves you time by letting you add posts to your account through WordPress automatically.

After customers have visited your social media accounts and your site and liked what they experienced, they may share it with their followers, which brings us to our next point.

WordPress Social Media Sharing Plugins That Are the Most Useful

If your business is serious about inbound marketing, it should seek to increase traffic to your website from your core customers who know others of a like mind. A great way to achieve that goal is to add social media share buttons on your website. Here are a few WordPress social media plugins and how they can benefit your company’s WordPress site.


This beneficial WordPress social media plugin describes itself as “An extensible free social share media ecosystem.” It is an extremely customizable way to share and optimize your social media content.  It lets your customers share your website across several social media platforms instantly. It also features a share counter and utilizes a Google Analytics integration that allows you to keep track of the number of clicks each social media site gets.

Add to Any

You may be familiar with Add to Any and its easy but effective sharing icons with share counters. Add to Any is the plugin to choose if your target customers use very distinct forms of social media. Add to Any has an excess of 100 different sites to share your content. It is among the most popular share plugins available for WordPress. Like MashShare, it uses Google Analytics and allows you to track URLs shortened through Bitly.

If you have social media plugins on each page of your site there is a chance it may cause load times to drag, so be sure to check to see if the plugins you choose will be a drag on your site.

A Final Thought

Applying WordPress plugins to your site can be an effortless way to both manage and promote your social media accounts.

For more information on how Incend Media can help you contact us today.

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